What is the Work?

“The Work is a special current sustained by a source of energy that can only be touched by a person who is whole. This current consists of a certain energy of thought, of feeling, or action.  Its life depends on the individuals entering it, who are each and all together responsible for what gives it quality, lucidity.  A work together is necessary, cooperation to produce something—like a chain of beings seeking to be more conscious, whose efforts assist one another.”

-Madame de Salzmann, The Reality of Being, pg. 105.


“Without the relationship with higher energy, life has no meaning. The higher energy is the permanent Self, but you have no connection with that. For that connection, a fine substance needs to be generated.  Otherwise, the energy of the body is too low to make contact with the very high energy which comes from above. You must persist—stay in front of the lack. Gradually, arrange to be in conditions which help you.”

-Madame de Salzmann, Heart Without Measure, page 53.